Monday, March 21, 2005

Bullshit concern about the future

I've got to say that as I search through women’s pages on Blackplanet I'm a bit disheartened by how as the age increases, the women’s body proportions are non-existent. I hit the gym pretty often because even in my older age I’ll want to look good. The thing is, the gorgeous women will probably be taken by then and the ones left will probably have that disproportionate build.

Now, allow me to define the body proportions I speak of. A woman can be a slightly thick woman and still look good. It’s not about trying to have a figure like Tyra or a video model. It’s about preventing one’s stomach from greatly overlapping one’s belt and looking like it needs to trade places with their breasts. A little bit of cellulite is okay… a little. After all, if you’ve seen Beyonce’s real, untouched pics even she has a little bit of extra weight. So don’t get disheartened if you’re a woman who isn’t video material because it’s very likely that you’re beautiful without all that glamour. In fact, The Saga’s beauty of a woman equation goes something like this: woman – glamour + great/giving attitude + proportionate figure = beautiful. **Disclaimer: Keep in mind that this is my opinion. A woman's level of beauty differs from man to man so do NOT get discouraged if you don't find any words on my blog that agree with your figure. To your man or to a man you may be interested in, you may be a gorgeous queen; you may fit the mold of a woman of perfection in his eyes.**

The thing that really bugs me about it all though is that in their youth, many women had great builds, which in time they lost, but had the nerve to be very snobbish. I’ve met numerous AKA’s, Delta’s, and other groups of women (or individuals) with terrible attitudes who’s bodies went through a metamorphosis as they increased in age. I often wonder if this metamorphosis took place because of their attitudes, kinda like a karma thing, ya know? Or perhaps it’s because they had perfect bodies at that time that they never felt the need to exercise, hence causing a laziness in their attitude when the thought of working out comes to mind and a lack of discipline when it comes to proper eating. Not that I’m the world’s most proper eater or gym freak, but at least exercise is in my schedule a minimum of 4 times a week.

In the previous paragraph, I couldn’t help but to mention Delta’s and AKA’s. They have got to be the MOST stuck up group of women I’ve ever met. I’ve dated a couple of them and met some that wanted to pledge that were pretty cool chicks but when they stand as a group, they become very catty and I hate that shit. I’ve found that my attraction to those girls is strictly friend-like/sexual but NOT relationship-like. Generally speaking, I’ve found that their attitudes, especially when in their sorority elements, are not to my liking in any way even if they’re the coolest chicks individually.

Anyway, back to the initial topic, I’m going to continue working out. The thing is I plan on staying single and I’m worried I won’t have much of a visual selection when I reach my mid 30’s. Maybe it’s just New Orleans women though. After all, this place is just reeking of negativity, so it’s not like I can depend on many of them having a positive attitude and taking care of their appearance.