Thursday, March 17, 2005

Random thoughts due to blankness

Regarding the pic, Diggs is givin me all kinda grief behind it being up. See, she vetoes things she doesn't feel are appropriate for others to see, such as the tattoo on my back. She wants that for her eyes only, which is understandable when ur Diggin someone. HOWEVER!!!!!......

I'm not one to follow rules. In fact, I tend to break all the rules she sets for me just to mess with her :oP I'm sure we all do that to people close to us. Keep vetoing mami, and I'll show them the one on my chest too ;o) I'll leave my face a mystery though, hee hee.

Forgive me if I haven't written in some time but I've been a bit blank for a while. I've got a few topics but I want them worded just right. I want my message to be conveyed well, nahmean?

I'll be 28 on the 24th of this month. For some reason Diggs wants me to be 30 and her to be 25 versus 26. She seems to want to be young but mess with a pretend older man. Sorry to disappoint you mami regarding the age thing but hey, at least you can appreciate the stamina :oP

Well, that's about all that's going on in my head. Hopefully it kept yall's heads busy for about 30 seconds. Good evening.... and good night.

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