Thursday, March 17, 2005

Went to da moooovies...

...and had me a nice time. My girl has been wanting to see the movie version of Diary of a Mad Black Woman so I accompanied her last night. I ended up liking the movie. Some people are judging it for its artistic values in comparison to the play but I didn't bother with all that shit. I just payed attention to the plot... not to mention that the main character of the movie was a pretty lady with a KILLER body, good gaaawd. **Side Note: My girl always says something smart to me when I mention women in my blog but with all her MMM's whenever Shamar Moore (Sp?) came on, I have absolutely no problem mentioning how fine this woman looked.**

I could tell she was getting a lil aggravated whenever Moore would dish out a mushy line like, "I can't stop thinking about you. I'm in love with you" and I'd say something like "It'll wear off just give it some time." I'd completely blow the romance out of it. I think I was doing that cuz of the love thing. Everytime they'd mention it, I couldn't help but to think it was going to go away in a few years anyway, that they were just living in a fairy tale. Like I said, I liked the movie but it was based on a dream... a dream about love and its eternity... and that's all that is to me, a fairy tale.

The church scenes were supposed to be moving also and to a point they were. A scene involving church can only move me so much though. Although I believe in God and honor Him as best I can, I can't help but to feel distrust in church, especially when I see the Pastor Pimp stuntin the flyest gear and drivin an expensive Benz or Lex, not to mention rockin a mansion for a crib... Christ-like my azz!! I don't remember hearin anything about Jesus sportin the newest Nike sandals and Versacci robe while riding the Lexus horse and coach, for real. In New Orleans we're surrounded by so much poverty and ignorance and these muhfukkas are pretending to be Christ-like. I'm guessing they think that their only job is to spread the "word" and that's why they get paid so much. I just thought the job included being Christ-like.

BruthaCode said in a particular Blog regarding church, that shit ain't nuthin but a fashion show. People dress up in their tightest gear to flaunt and judge. On top of that, since when is church supposed to be having fashion shows? My girl's church had a real children's fashion show that people had to pay $10 for to go see. Kinda shallow ain't it? And where do those profits go? All I keep hearing about that church is how the pastor pimp lives in a mansion with a tight ride. I also hear from Tweety how her pastor is another rich nigga that passes the plate more times then a hooker gets fukked. On top of that, at the end of every sermon they spend a good ten minutes talking bout the tithes, the tithes, the tiiiiithes = I done entertained yall with the woooord, don't forget to pay-meh. When I hear about someone asking the church for help, and the church's first question is "Are you a member?" that shit gets on my bad side. When I hear about you having to put your money in an envelope that has your name on it, I get suspicious; whatchu wanna know how much I gave for, nigga? The more money I give, the more prayer I get? When I hear about the church's people calling you when you ain't been giving enough to the church, that shit just makes me lose all faith in your fake ass church. That kinda shit has completely deterred me from church. Not all churches are like that but I just don't care for all that holier than though shit. On top of that, from what I've heard and experienced, if you're looking for a kut buddy, church is the place to find'em. I don't know... church has too much contradiction going on inside of it for me to be a part of it. I know nothing man made is perfect and that includes church but dayum, it seems that the 3 things that are my biggest weaknesses (money, looks, and sex) are the church's biggest weaknesses; if these are my weaknesses how can the church help me overcome them when it's feeding me all of those things in its environment? I don't know, maybe one day I'll see the light but until then, church will remain a place for me to meet women.

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