Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Why do so many minorities choose law??!!!

I can't stand lawyers. I know that not all lawyers are conniving, money hungry, power thirsty, spoiled, pissy little brats but I’ve come across so many that are, I can hardly stand to be in their presence.

Why do people go to that field? I’ve known many that tried majoring in fields with held power, money, and respect but failed at it so they chose law, the next best thing. I knew a guy who couldn’t pass calculus when he majored in engineering, so what did he choose? Law. I knew a girl that wanted to be a doctor but getting into med school was going to be extreeemely difficult so what did she choose? Law. I’ve known people who wanted to be a number of things but they couldn’t sacrifice enough time or handle the material so what did they choose? Law. This fact doesn’t set good in my eyes either. The fact that so many of them wanted jobs that gave them money and prestige but it was too hard to obtain for one reason or another, so they chose law, that makes me wonder, are you just in it for the money and power? If so then it’s no wonder our judicial system is so fucked up. If one doesn’t have their heart on what they do then they tend to do a piss poor job and law is a job that many people have a hard time fighting due to everyone’s arrogance in that field. Judges hold people in contempt for bullshit reasons, prosecutors pin bullshit charges on generally good people, lawyers twist shit to sue companies or individuals for stupid shit, i.e. the woman who burned herself with coffee from McD’s while driving and later held them responsible and won the lawsuit. Most of all, I remember an English professor of mine telling me a story in which a lawyer he’d met got a guy off for rape (RAPE!!!) although he knew that he’d actually committed the crime. Can you imagine being raped and the guy being set free cuz he had an experienced/corrupt lawyer? Then there are the cases of the legal system protecting police officers and other people in the legal field just because they are people of judicial power. I knew a girl who worked with a police officer that had been given desk duty because he’d been found guilty of rape… yes, again, RAPE!!! The prosecutors (lawyers), judge (a former lawyer), and the defense lawyer settled for giving him desk duty rather than putting him back on the street. He didn’t get any jail time, no fines, nothing. He didn’t even lose his job; he was just taken off the streets.

Now, I know that there are good lawyers, but I’m sure that most have bent rules and laws and even compromised their morals to win and I wonder how long it takes, how many time they have to bend the rules before they start accepting the people they’ve become for the sake of winning a case. I don’t see the judicial system as a system that goes for the truth. I see one side who tries to make the person being prosecuted as the worst human being in the planet, and the other side who makes him out to be an angel. They each just look at the worst or best in a person, exploit that, and ignore the truth.

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