Thursday, March 17, 2005


Okay, as I was saying in the popped switches of my last post, I'd like to thank everyone for their support. It really, really means a lot to me, seriously. This morning I was perfectly fine. I thought I was starting to adjust to the diet but then it popped in my head. I could almost smell it. I began to picture it. It's got red syrup all over it, dripping down the sides in a thick manner, strawberries sit on top of it, creamy sides, and a sweet crust. It's like I can feel the fork cutting into the thick, creamy substance. I can hear it. I can hear the cheesecake splitting along the part where the fork is slicing. Delicious, sweet, unhealthy cheesecake.... OOOOHH HOW I LONG FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!! Can you hear me? Can you hear me, cheesecake????? SARAH LEEEEE, deliver meeeee... to your cheescake factoryyyy!!!

Okay, now I'm losing it **Breathe, Breathe, Take sloooow breaths** OOOO, MUSIC!!! That'll take my mind off. Cool, lemme put in that new Game CD. It's tight so far, meng. I recommend it. He kinda reminds me of some of the ol' school 90's gangsta rappers. "Gangsta" rappers nowadays are better described as club rappers than anything. As far as The Game, I'm feelin this nigga. Maybe it's cuz he raps a lil more about the violent streets versus buying expensive cars and shit, nahmean? Or maybe it's cuz he comes from a real gangsta background and represents it; even though it's with Hoover Kripz, it's still real nahmean? I ain't seen a video by him cuz I hardly watch TV now but if I did and saw all that bling shit, I'd prolly lose my interest. Rap to me about robbin-n-killin niggas and hustlin, nigga!!!! Show me the videos with cops chasin' niggas while wearin chucks or G-Nikes, flying red flags and all that shit. Show me that shit cuz I'm tired of lookin at niggas' mansions and benz's and shit. Like Game says in "Put You On The Game": Show me were the Bloods at, where the Krips at...

Okay, my mind is off the cheesecake now **whew**.

I know it's only been two days but this is killing me. I was craving cheesecake a few days before starting this fukkin diet so the fact that I can no longer have any is intensifying that crave. I'm eating more often but the meals are so damn small I feel hungry all the fukkin time. Man, talk about putting myself to the test. I like the challenge though, so a part of me is enjoying this. I hope that doesn't mean I have masochist tendencies. I have the GREATEST idea that's probably ever been thought up though. I mean, this idea is better than Isaac Newton and his 3 Laws of Motion and shit. Idea: I can eat one junkfood meal a week, as long as I don't splurge on that one meal; what I'll do is replace that meal with a dessert like... say it with me... cheeeeeesecake. Isn't that great?!!!! Aaah, I can't wait till Friday. That's when I'm gonna do it. That's when I'll live again. That's when I'm gonna eat me that raspberry cheeeeesecake from Olive Garden. Ya know, if I could eat cheesecake but give all that other food up, I'd be aaaalllright. I'd get through this with nooo problem. Can't do that though, can I? **sigh**

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