Defense Mechanism Reigns
In a particular blog, Mia commented: damn her! LOL. no, i think it happens to every man. every man gets their heart broken and then, as a defense mechanism (or maybe a reflex), they go buy their pimpin' hat and gator shoes and commence to pimpin'. this usually happens while they are young (late teens, early 20s) but by the time they are in their late 20s-early 30s (maybe later for some men who enjoy pimping a little too much) they realize that they are all pimped out and want to try commitment again. this is just my observation. however, once they realize that they actually have to work at being committed, some men tend to regress back to pimpin' LOL.
I agree but I'm going to try my hardest at staying single forever. A side of me enjoys fighting off love despite how it hurts the other part of me. Everyday I find myself drowning out that part of me more and more and I'm happy to report that soon he'll be near death. I don't think he'll ever die off completely because I need him to help me raise my son, but when it comes to love and commitment, he'll be so supressed that it'll be like he's dead. That will minimize my inner turmoil which will give my life a lot more simplicity and the thought of that brings relief.
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